Welcome to Cindy Gleason Financial Coaching

"There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means" ~ Calvin Coolidge

Every family or individual needs a plan. Saving, budgeting, giving, and having a plan are simple concepts, but hard to implement on your own. For those who are doing okay and want to do better, working with a financial coach is a smart choice. For those in crisis, working with a financial coach is often a necessity. Financial coaching teaches you to create realistic short and long term plans. More importantly, you will be provided specific direction and guidance, in addition to accountability and encouragement as you work your plan.

As your financial coach, I am dedicated to helping you develop a realistic financial plan specific to your needs, and helping you reach your goals. Together, we will define the areas that need work, organize your finances, as you learn to develop and implement a plan to improve your finances. Unlike financial advisors or financial planners, I do not sell insurance, investments, or other financial products. I coach on a flat-fee basis, which leaves me free to offer you practical and objective advice with only your best interest in mind. No financial products, no hidden charges, no accumulating fees. My focus is always to help you improve your finances.

Work With Me

Common sense advice in uncommon times...

Top 6 Reasons Why Financial Coaching Clients Seek My Help:

  1. I (or we) make too much money to be this broke ... by far, this is the reason I hear most often.
  2. I (or we) have a great income, but need help getting spending under control and finances organized before we can even think about a plan.
  3. The 'money part' is a missing puzzle piece in an otherwise great marriage.
  4. Starting a new job, newly married, or recently divorced. Really want to get a solid start on the right path.
  5. Would do better with some practical direction, accountability and encouragement.
  6. Need help applying what was presented in FPU classes.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn about financial coaching. I will take a general look at your finances and discuss coaching options appropriate for your situation and your needs.

See What Satisfied Clients Say

We thank you for teaching us how to be in control of our money! It was definitely money well spent to have you coaching us. We wouldn't be where we are today without you teaching and encouraging us, and letting us know that life happens whether we are on a budget or not. We know how to handle it better now, and we don't have to use credit. You made us aware of where our money is going, and have given us knowlege and tools we need for the rest of our lives. We really appreciate it. Thank you!
Jason & Julie, Dallas

Contact Cindy For A Complimentary Consultation

6611 Snider Plaza, Suite 108
Dallas, TX 75205


Hours by appointment:
Monday - Saturday
